Options - Option 01 16 MB memory

Summary Information

Additional memory for Models 931A and 930a allows units to become stand alone Trend Monitors. Required for use with PowerCSV Application Software option (opt01)

Full Description

Add another useful feature to the Models 931A and 930A with the 16 MB Internal Data Memory option (order number 931Aopt01 and 930Aopt01). The 16 megabytes of storage space can turn the Models 931A and 930A into stand alone Trend Monitors. The characteristic flexibility of the Model 931A Power System Analyzer and the Model 930A Three Phase Power Analyzer is incorporated into the 16 MB Internal Data Memory options allowing for custom and user friendly configuration.

When equipped with the Extended Memory option, the 931A and 930A can be configured to log data at a set interval, on a valid timer trigger (Model 931A only), when the front panel log key is pressed or via the RS-232 LOG command. Two different types of data sets are available for storage, normal and custom. Normal data sets include four data modes:

  • Standard data, Narrow-Band and Wide-Band parameters for Channels 1 and 2 along with Timer (Model 931A only) and Transducer (Model 931A only) parameters (153 bytes)
  • Harmonic data, adds the harmonic information from Channels 1 and 2 to the standard data record (945 bytes)
  • Waveform data, includes standard data, harmonic data, plus the waveform records for Channel 1 and 2 (1,425 bytes)
  • Three-phase data, the three-phase measurement data for the selected three-phase display mode (366 bytes)

The Custom data set allows the user to select any combination of the thirty available individual parameters to log. Record size is dependent on the selected parameters.

The logged data can be reviewed from the front panel of the Models 931A and 930A or downloaded via the RS-232 port to a computer. Exported data can be easily incorporated into a spreadsheet or word processor for inclusion into reports. The PowerCSV Application Software (AS0060000) is a useful tool to transfer the data stored in the internal memory to a computer.

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