Options - Option 04 Parallel BCD Output, 1 ms Resolution (1088B)

Summary Information

Provides a 50-pin ribbon connector with 42 data lines representing BCD time from day of year through milliseconds. Also provides 1 ms and 1 second output sync (strobe) pulses. Available on Model 1088B.

Full Description

Parallel BCD Output, 1 ms Resolution (1088B), as installed on rear of chassis.

Includes CN0015050 50-Pin Parallel BCD Mating Connector.

Option 04 for the Model 1088B expands the capabilities of the instrument to include:

  • Either of the following:
    • Time-of-year output in Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) format, with resolution down to
      1 millisecond
    • Parallel Data output, with up to 48 bits that can be custom-configured at the factory
      for specific applications
  • A continuous 1 pulse-per-second (1 PPS) output, with the rising edge of a 10 millisecond-wide
    pulse synchronous to the rising edge of 1 PPS/GPS
  • A continuous 1,000 PPS (1 kPPS) square wave output, with rising edges synchronous to the rising edge of 1 PPS/GPS
  • Four pins of the output connector that can be configured with combinations* of the following:
    • Up to four digital signal outputs, the functions of which can be selected individually from 18 choices.
    • Up to two analog signal outputs, the functions of which can be selected individually from two choices.

*Note: Since these auxiliary functions must share four connector pins, certain limitations will apply when selecting combinations:

  1. Enabling any one (or more) of the digital signal outputs precludes four bits from the parallel data output, if used
  2. Each analog signal output used precludes one of the digital signal outputs; if two analog signal outputs are employed, only two digital signal outputs are possible. Also, each analog signal output displaces one bit from the parallel data interface, if used



  • Output Connector: 50 contact; Amphenol P/N 850-57L-40500-2700 or equivalent.

  • Mating Connectors:

    • Plastic: Amphenol P/N 850-57F-30500-20

    • Metal Shell: Amphenol P/N 850-57FE-30500-20

Parallel BCD Output

  • Data Bus Width: 42 bits.
  • Output Type: High-Speed CMOS, buffered, (74HCXXX), 0 volts to 5 volts.
  • Time Data Format: UTC or Local time data; corresponds to setting for IRIG time data.
  • Time Accuracy: Rising edge delay of 100 ns maximum (1 ms bit), relative to 1 PPS output rising edge.

Analog Outputs

  • Output Type: Operational amplifier (LF353) output, with 562 ohm series resistor.
  • Pin Numbers:
    • Output 1: pin 22
    • Output 2: pin 47
  • IRIG-B, Modulated: IRIG format B time code, modulated onto 1 kHz 10 Vpp sinewave carrier.
  • Deviation:  ± 5 volts analog, corresponding to 1 PPS deviation channel A or B.

Digital Outputs

  • Output Type: High-Speed CMOS (74HCXXX), 0 volts to 5 volts, with 47 ohm series resistance.
  • Pin Numbers:
    • Output 1: pin 22
    • Output 2: pin 47
    • Output 3: pin 23
    • Output 4: pin 48

Available Outputs:

  • IRIG-B: IRIG format B time code, 5 V CMOS (unmodulated).
  • IRIG-E: IRIG format E time code, 5 V CMOS.
  • IRIG-H: IRIG format H time code, 5 V CMOS.
  • IRIG-D/1 PPM: IRIG format D time code (1 pulse per minute), 5 V CMOS. Rising edge on time.
  • 10 MPPS: 10 MHz square wave, synchronous to the 1 PPS output.
  • 5 MPPS: 5 MHz square wave, synchronous to the 1 PPS output.
  • 1 MPPS: 1 MHz square wave, synchronous to the 1 PPS output.
  • 100 kPPS: 100,000 PPS square wave, synchronous to the 1 PPS output.
  • 10 kPPS: 10,000 PPS square wave, synchronous to the 1 PPS output.
  • 1 kPPS: 1,000 PPS square wave, synchronous to the 1 PPS output.
  • 100 PPS: 100 PPS square wave, synchronous to the 1 PPS output.
  • 60 PPS: 60 PPS square wave, synchronous to the 1 PPS output.
  • 50 PPS: 50 PPS square wave, synchronous to the 1 PPS output.
  • 10 PPS: 10 PPS square wave, synchronous to the 1 PPS output.
  • 1 PPS: 1 PPS (10 ms ”high”), synchronous to 1 PPS/GPS.
  • 1 PPnnnS: 1 pulse per ”nnn” seconds (10 ms ”high”, synchronous to 1 PPS/GPS); ”nnn” corresponds to a number of seconds enteredby the user.
  • 1 PPH: 1 pulse per hour, rising edge on time.
  • Out-of-Lock: 5 volt CMOS levels. Normally ”high” after acquisition of satellite signals. Toggles ”low” nn minutes after loss of satellite signal lock. Range for ”nn” is 00 to 99, and is set using the SETUP menu or RS-232C. Setting of 00 disables this function (output remains ”high”).
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